Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A reflection... or rant...

My intention has been to upload more pictures but that will have to wait until the weekend. I tried this past weekend but because it takes so long to upload sometime the website times out. Remember: Patience is a virtue.
One issue I have been processing recently is parenting. Yes, I realize I am not a parent (thank God...definitely not ready) but I work with a lot of kids and a lot of parents. I just got back from visiting a home today where the father of the family desires to be a good parent. But he had terrible examples growing up. Tears were about to roll down his face as he explained to us the broken relationship. It got me thinking...How many of us have issues because of our parents? I am not about to blame all problems an individual has on parents but we do live in a broken world...so there is no such thing as a perfect parent and we are bound to internalize the good and the bad of our parents. And here in my context...there are few examples of a good or maybe a better word...stable... parent...(well, i would say the same about US context just for different reasons) But I can say with confidence that the majority of parents want to improve and LOVE their kids. And many parents here are very very young which adds another factor. The couple I met with just now...the father is 31 and the mother is 24 and their oldest of four is 11. Another couple I know the mom is 28 and the father 33 (pretty sure about dads age) and they have 8 kids and their oldest is 15. So that is the situation of many families here. How can I help them as an unmarried, non-parent, recent college grad? Well, I can listen and be of a support and offer educated book advice. But I guess the best thing I can do is say I understand why they want to improve as parents and walk alongside them and just be there with them through the process. So even if our parents have made many mistakes....lets also remember the blessings. I know my position here has humbled me and has made me understand better the context that my parents came from. So thank you all you parents out there who honestly love your kids and want the best for them :) A verse I am reminded of is...

Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!
-Isaiah 49:15

A good reminder that our savior, our sustainer, the lover of our soul is also our father and mother.

So I encourage that we all leave the bad and remember the good of our parents. As our parents have/had to do with their parents. Let us have patience and remember that in the end...parents are who brought us into the world and gave us life.

1 comment:

  1. Arelis, just finished your post on parents/ parenting. On a funny note - my cousin used to tell me (when her kids were small and long before I had Gabriel) "Yeah, give me all of your good childrearing advice now, 'cause it's the last time you'll ever know anything about how to raise them!" Her point was that once we are parents ourselves, the story changes greatly. So, on a serious note, you do have much to offer simply by vurtue of seeing the situation objectively from the outside, so to speak. Being the person who walks alongside a parent is a valuable person to be. I keep you in my prayers, and wish you a wonderful visit with your family when they arrive! Love in Christ, Christy W.
